
De GhostWiki
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Emphasis: ~ for italics_, ~ for bold*, ~~ for both*_, ~</tt> for fixed width=.%%% Lists: <tt>~* for bullet lists, # for numbered lists, Term:~<new-line> definition for definition lists.%%%

Preformatted text: Enclose text in ~

~<tt>~</tt>.%%% Indented text: Indent the paragraph with whitespaces.%%% References: ~JoinCapitalizedWords or use square brackets for a ~page link or URL ~~http://cool.wiki.int/.%%% Preventing linking: Prefix with "~~": ~~~DoNotHyperlink, name links like ~text .%%% Misc: "====", "===", "==" make headings,========= "~%%%" or "~
" makes a linebreak, "~----" makes a horizontal rule.%%% Allowed HTML tags: b big i small tt em strong abbr <acronym>acronym</acronym> cite code dfn kbd samp var sup sub


  • Don't indent paragraphs
  • Words wrap and fill as needed
  • Use blank lines as separators
  • Four or more minus signs make a horizontal rule
  • ~%%% or ~
    makes a linebreak (in headings and lists too)


  • asterisk for first level
 * indented asterisk (indent at least two spaces) for second level, etc.

Use ~, -, + or o for bullet

 lists, # for numbered lists (mix at will)
  • Definition lists:
as in the
</code> list
  • Items may contain multiple paragraphs and other multi-lined content,
just indent the items


  • '<code>====' at the start of a line makes a small heading====
  • '===' at the start of a line makes a medium heading===
  • '==' at the start of a line makes a large heading==

Preformatted text

  • Place preformatted lines inside ~
 Preformatted text. WikiLinks still work.
  Preformatted text. WikiLinks still work.
  • If you want text with no Wiki interaction, use the <code>~</code> tag:
  Preformatted text. ~WikiLinks do not work.
 Preformatted text. WikiLinks do not work.

Indented Paragraphs

  • Two or more whitespaces signal indented text. Indents may be nested.
   This is an indented block of text.
     This block is even more indented.
  • E-mail style block-quoting is supported as well:
  > This is block-quoted text.
 renders as
 > This is block-quoted text.


  • Use an underscore (~) for emphasis (usually italics_)

Use an asterisk (~) for strong emphasis (usually bold) Mix them at will: bold italics*

  • Emphasis can be used multiple times within a paragraph, but
 cannot cross paragraph boundaries:
 will not work_


  • Hyperlinks to other pages within the Wiki are made by placing the
 page name in square brackets: this is a page link or
 UsingWikiWords (preferred)
  • Hyperlinks to external pages are done like this:
  • You can name the links by providing a name, a bar (|) and then the
 hyperlink or pagename:
 PhpWiki home page  ---
 the front page 
  • You can suppress linking to old-style references and URIs by
 preceding the word with a '~~', e.g. ~NotLinkedAsWikiName,
  • Also, the old way of linking URL's is still supported: precede URLs
 with "http:", "ftp:" or "mailto:" to
 create links automatically as in: http://c2.com/
  • URLs ending with <code>.png, .gif, or .jpg are inlined if in square
 brackets, by themselves:
  • In-page #hyperlinks are made by placing a named anchor and
 referring to the anchor in a hyperlink:
 * Named anchors:
   * ~#~foo: An anchor around the text "foo" with id
   * ~#~[[foo|]]: An empty anchor with id "foo".
   * ~#~howdy: An anchor around the text "howdy" with
     id "foo".
 * References to name anchors are made thusly:%%%
   ~[[~#[#hyperlinks]]], ~~OtherPage#foo,


  • Definition list style tables are written just like definition lists,
 except that you replace the trailing colon on the term with a "pipe"
  Term 1 |
     Definition 1 begins here.
     Term 1.1 |
        Definition 1.1
     Term 1.2 |
        Definition 1.2
     This is part of definition 1.
  Term 2 |
     Here's definition 2.
 Term 1 |
    Definition 1 begins here.
    Term 1.1 |
       Definition 1.1
    Term 1.2 |
       Definition 1.2
    This is part of definition 1.
 Term 2 |
    Here's definition 2.
  • Old-style tables are supported through the OldStyleTablePlugin:

HTML Mark-Up Language

  • Some in-line markup is allowed through the use of HTML tags:
 b, big, i, small,
 tt, em, strong,
 abbr, <acronym>acronym</acronym>, cite,
 code, dfn, kbd,
 samp, var, sup and sub
  • < and > are themselves
  • The & characters will not work

Creating various kinds of special links

 of wiki maintenance and other special links.

Inserting plugins

  • Several plugins permit embedding additional functionality to Wiki
 pages. For example,
 <?plugin BackLinks pageHomePage infohits ?>
 <?plugin BackLinks pageHomePage infohits ?>
  • For more information on plugins, see WikiPlugin.
